Squirrel Website Climbing Up Fast


After getting a fabulous write up over at Pawesome.net by Jolene Robichaud, The Squirrel in our Window has had more than 25,000 people visit the website over the past 4 days!

After Pawesome posted their story, it was quickly picked up by Jezebel.com, The Gothamist, Neatorama.com, and Metafilter.com. Images of the squirrel and her family were even featured on the website of Italian newspaper, La Repubblica!

But the best part has been all of the wonderful emails that visitors have sent to Mama Squirrel from the website’s squirrel contact form.

I’ve posted most of the messages to the squirrel over on the The Squirrel in our Window blog. You should go take a look!

Look for an article about the squirrels from the pets website of a popular magazine in the next few days! (Can’t say which yet…)

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